Since age 18 I am teaching piano. Through my studies with Eckart Besch and Conrad Hansen I could integrate the great tradition from Franz Liszt in the 4th students generation deriving form him and connect it with my cross-over-knowledge of medicine to THE PIANO-CODE.
This makes the fascination of the PianoMusicDocs master-classes (open to everybody) which are newly happening at the Sumiswald Castle in the Swiss Emmental near BERN. See
The two essental elements of the PIANO-CODE are
- the 3-dimensional movement analysis with a movement atom for
- Saggital level
- Frontal level
- Horizontal level
- Music programming
- Finger number + Note name
- see Piano Fingering Edition in the SHOP
- Rhythm-structure (the biggest secret of musicians!)
- Articulation (the distance of notes to each other)
- intensity (precisely defined!)
- Pedal (with all tricks!)
- Finger number + Note name
This points out only some essence.
All my teachings are including several topics which you will never get at music academies.
direct click on video in youtube