- Private lessons on request
- any frequence, can be less than weekly
- www.pianoforte.best
- master-class for a number of students in your premise WORLD-WIDE (+expenses)
- after at least one presence lesson video lesson possible
- online-complementation online via www.Ellenberger.institute
- single top-coaching-lessons for professional pianists as Laetitia Hahn and others (click on image)
Category: pianist
The following clients have enjoyed the services of
Wolfgang Ellenberger / ClassiCulturCentrum
Agency shooter & classics, Frankfurt (Klassik open-air Heppenheim “Waldbühne”, Tournee)
Louis von Adelsheim | Adelsheim leuchtet 2009 Konzert auf Bundesstraße 02:30-03:30 |
alfi-Zitzmann GmbH (concert-Menu Sales department meeting in town hall Wertheim)
alpha-tours Ltd. representation Deutschland (2 piano recitals exclusively for Japanese travel groups in the Hilton Hotel Weimar)
Antik-Speicher, Hamburg (open-door incentive)
art museum Liechtenstein fall 2017
Autohaus Stollreither, Bayreuth (Presentation of the new Peugeot type 605)
Bayer AG, Leverkusen (meeting of best sales department in Hotel Traube Tonbach with piano recital and singing quartet)
Bayerische Musikakademie Hammelburg (concert grand piano-Service)
Association of Orthopedic Doctors Germany e.V. (yearly congresses 1993 + 1995)
Biodynamic Center Witten (Recital at Jubilee-congress for 70. birthday of founder Gerda Boyesen at Weikersheim castle)
BMW, Dörffler KG, Kitzingen (Presentations 8-Cylindermotor, 5-er BMW)
BMW Autohaus Rhein (vorm. Wieczorek), Würzburg (Presentation 7-er BMW, Symphony-concert, rental of Bösendorfer Concert grand piano)
Boehringer, Mannheim (congress at “Residence Würzburg”)
Chopingesellschaft Valldemossa, Mallorca (Chopin-Recital in der “Cartouche”, where Chopin lived with George Sand)
Christophorus-Haus, Frankfurt (congress about pains 1993 + 1994)
Cunard Lines classical top-act pianist onboard of SS Queen Elisabeth II
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Diagnostik (opening incentive MEDICA 97 with fireworks and MEDICA 1999 with “MediSingers”)
Dorint-Hotel Würzburg (brides vogue show with ballett choreography)
Dresdner Musikfestspiele (Canaletto-court-recitals)
European Society for Animal Cell Technology, London (congress Residence Würzburg)
Festival de St.Omer, Frankreich (Mozart-piano-concerto, Solo-Recitals)
Fischlein Festival Arrangements (Recital at exclusive private-incentive)
Free Music Production, Berlin (rental of Bösendorfer Imperial concert grand for several times)
Fremdenverkehrsamt der Stadt Würzburg (congress clients services, castle Marienberg, different places)
“Hamburger Alstervergnügen” (Klavier-Recital main stage Jungfernstieg)
Hansetrans Holding GmbH (“Sommerlich beschwingte Klassik” – open-air-Recital)
Hapag Lloyd classical top-act pianist onboard MS Astor
Harburger Anzeigen und Nachrichten (150-jähriges Jubilee of Hamburgs newspaper with State-orchestra Sibirien)
Höxter Weserberglandklinik (recital in hospital)
IBM, Direktion Region Südwest (recital in Residence Bad Urach)
IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Vernissage with sculptures of Anders Tinsbo with opening recital)
Internationales Jugendfestspieltreffen, Bayreuth (Diverse recitals and piano-workshops, concert grand rental)
IPER-.Market, I – Milano (recital in a big car market)
Jazzfestival Burghausen (Bösendorfer Imperial rental 1994 + 1995)
Jeunesse Musicale Deutschland (Incentive in castle of Weikersheim with computer piano and several piano master classes)
Julius-Spital Weingut Würzburg (5 years of consulting for festival, several recitals with Liederabend and piano rentals)
Juwelier Willer, Hamburg (60.birthday with beneficial gala at Torhaus Wellingsbüttel)
Klassik-KOMM 1996 Köln (Presentation with Computer-piano and serial recitals)
“Kultur im Schafstall” Concert series at Neuenstadt/Kocher (piano recital with logistical-demonstration)
Konzervatorium Bratislava, CS (Piano-Recital und workshop)
Kulturamt der Stadt Würzburg (Mozartfest Würzburg., Mainfrankenmesse, Rathauskonzerte etc.)
Kulturdezernat der Stadt Oelde (Piano Recital with Sibirian State Orchestra)
Kur- und Kongreß GmbH Bad Windsheim (open-air-recital of a series “Bad Windsheim classic” with Soprano and Klarinet)
Landesgartenschau GmbH, Würzburg (Computer-piano-workshops and Serial-recitals in the rose garden with exhibition of sculptures of Anders Tinsbo)
Lanzarote: Government of Island Lanzarote (2 x Gala-Recital in unique vulcanic concert hall “Jameos del agua”) Special about Cesar Manrique and “Jameos” (more load. time)
Landesgartenschau Hof GmbH (open-air-recital-week-end)
Maritim-Hotels Bad Mergentheim (Recital “Seniorenakademie Lübecker Bucht”)
Bad Salzuflen (Seniorenakad.+Konzert-Menü für Maritim-Card-Members)
Bonn (Concert-Menu for Psychiatrie-congress)
Braunlage (Klavierrecital und Lied-Recital, Ballet-Gala)
Darmstadt (Congress Schwäbisch Hall-Bausparkasse)
Dresden (Canaletto-Innenhofkonzerte)
Hamburg (CompactDiscs as presents for clients)
Würzburg (Italian Evening with Primaballerina, Conzert-menu etc.)
Medizinische Poliklinik, Würzburg (Orthopedian congress)
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Opening Events MEDICA 1997 with brillant firework, CaravanSalon98, MEDICA 1999
Messe Frankfurt GmbH, 2 x “Heimtextil”, “Ambiente”, “Premiere”, “Musikmesse”
Messe Hamburg “Du und Deine Welt” (recital in entrance hall)
Messe Köln “Klassik-KOMM 1996”
Möbel und Einrichtungen Hannelore Greve, Hamburg (Opening “Holländ. Möbelwoche”)
Musikalische Bildungsstätte Schloß Weikersheim (Show with computer piano, piano master classes, piano rentals)
Musikfestwochen, Luzern (Street-music-festival)
Musikhochschule Köln (piano-workshop for three days)
Musikhochschule Würzburg (piano rentals, recitals with students)
Norwegian America Lines classical top-act pianist onboard MS Sagafjord
P & R Kongresse, Berlin (recitals at congress with plastical surgeons at Residence Würzburg)
Porsche AG recital on the stand of the IAA (International Auto Saloon) Frankfurt (Main) and recommandation to all German dealers to book the MusicDocs!
Round Table 101 Schwäbisch Hall (Piano Recital)
Sanatorium Dr.Felbermayer, A – Gaschurn (Piano Recital)
Schubertiade Schloß Eyb, Dörzbach/Jagst (1995 + 1996+ 1997+ 1998 open-air-Bösendofer-Piano-Rental)
Seniorenakademie, Heidelberg (piano recital in Heidelberg library)
Sport-Kinetics 97 (Lecture with recital at interdisciplinary workshop on World Congress for Sports Magdeburg)
Stadttheater Würzburg (2. Tenor in theatre-choir, piano rental, etc.)
Städtische Galerie, Würzburg (piano rental Vernissages)
Städtische Sparkasse, Würzburg (Concert-Menu with presidents of UFr Sparkassen, Computer-piano-Show)
Systemhaus Sachsen, Dresden (I. Sächs. Colloquium economy & arts im Odol-castle)
Universität Würzburg (Bösendorfer rentals at Neubaukirche)
Vogel Verlag, Würzburg (yearly meeting of sales department with gala-concert-menu)
Volkshochschule Karlstadt/Main (Music in historical Houses and farms: open-air piano recital in wonderful Ambiente)
Wenk-foundation | 4K-Livestream-Übertragungen – Tonhalle Zürich – Stadtcasino Basel – Paraplegie Nottwil |
Würzburger Straßenbahn GmbH (Piano-Recital in Street-car-depot for Opening Event “Kulturschiene der WSB” 1995)
Yamaha-Europa GmbH Hamburg/Rellingen (Teasching at Music School, Recital im CongreßCentrum Hamburg, Yamaha-Discflügel-Workshops)
Bösendorfer Concert grand rentals for Montserrat Caballé, Herrmann Prey, Ingeborg Hallstein, Katja & Marielle Labeque, World Music Days 1995 Dortmund,
Tent-Music-Festival Freiburg, Axel Zwingenberger, Harold Barreiro, Christoph Soldan, Staatskanzlei Mainz, Casinogesellschaft Wiesbaden, Tournee John Cale,
Total Music Meeting, Berlin etc
Piano diploma with Prof. Eckart Besch Musikhochschule Hamburg (Franz Liszt > Conrad Ansorge > Eduard Erdmann > Eckart Besch)
Concert examen Prof. Conrad Hansen Musikhochschule Lübeck (Franz Liszt > Martin Krause > Edwin Fischer > Conrad Hansen)
Milano/Teatro alla Scala
Barcelona/Teatro liceoStuttgart/Wilhelma-Theater
Bayreuth/Markgräfliches Opernhaus
San Francisco/Pier 39
Salt Lake City/Steinway Hall
Lanzarote/Jameos del agua
– Laeisz-Halle
– Friedrich-Ebert-Halle
– Messe Hamburg-Köln-Düsseldorf-Frankfurt
– Tonhalle Zürich
– Stadtcasino Basel
– Paraplegie Nottwil
– Castle Sumiswald
cruise liners: SS Queen Elisabeth II, MS Sagafjord, MS Astor
depending on the challenge everything is open from a little hybrid grand piano to a huge concert grand piano of 290 cm.