The Labyrinth – the second part of Magic Flute

The Labyrinth – the second part of Magic Flute

As conductor and editor I would like to produce this opera with you, let´s do it as the entire cycle Magic 5 and click through here

On April 6th, 2024 it was done: The re-publication of Magic Flute II in the most complete version and translation from German to English and Italian!

in completion of the wikipedia article I had all EIGHT manuscripts/sources which are available world-wide as digitalisates, click on the following links to have a look on the mor-or-less same page in them:

1Hamburgische Staatsbibliothek
2Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (manual copies of performance Gärtnerplatztheater in 1978)
3Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
4Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt (Main)
5LOC – Library of Congress Washington (the copy from Darmstadt which was thought to be lost in WWII)
6Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Firenze
7Berlin Staatsbibliothek – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
8Landesbibliothek Stuttgart
9CCC-Endergebnis – result from all

The Stage Right is revolutionized: A theatre buys the material ONCE and can use it theatre-life-long with any number of performances, copies of the material and productions of any multi-medial kind INSIDE the theatre.

Orchester-Materialmaterial orchestra  materiale intero
Klavierauszugpiano vocal scoreRiduzione per pianoforte
finale-Dateienfinale-filesfile originali di finale
just buy here! Synopsis of ALL materials

Here is the sounding partition:

Here comes another innovation, the sounding vocal score for all singers to study on their own:



das performs LIVESTREAMS in 4K, examples:

Tonhalle Zürich
Stadtcasino Basel
any location: sports hall

write for your Video-Produktion with or without LIVESTREAM!